Monday, January 13, 2025

The Culture: Remember That Tabletop Got This Bad Because Of Enemy Inside The Gates

This weekend we got a reminder that Tabletop's poz problem came from within:

Of course he had an excuse, which (in typical Death Cult fashion) is pure projection.

By now it's not hard to translate that Death Cult cant: "This is Our Thing, not Your Thing. Get out before we destroy you."

Cultists like him are rotten in the commercial end of Tabletop. They run Wizards of the Coast. They run all of the adjacent operations, such as Paizo (and everyone else out of Seattle), they dominate bottom-feeders like you see on Roll For Combat or cringy retards like J. Scott Garipay, and they are the majority of the D&DTube loser Tourists.

These people hate you. Don't give them money. Captain Harlock is your friend.

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