Monday, January 6, 2025

The Culture: Have You Tried Teaching People How Your Game Works?

I'm glad that BDubs, independent of me, picked up on something that's been long-neglected: teaching people how to play.

#BroXT is exactly the sort of initative that should be more widespread in hobby circles, instead of people thinking that all they need to do product a product and magically things will right themselves.

No, you have to teach people how to use the widget.

No, even if you are one of the few who are competent technical writers that know what a User Manual is, what it does, and how to write one you still need to follow that up with practical training. Instead, this hobby's been very Boomerish in its insistence upon throwing a bunch of stuff as a newb and telling them to cook for themselves- and then wonders why they don't make edible food.

As video is now easy to do and access, it is why I have previously posted Jon Mollison's Solo D&D videos. He is, in a manner that shows how simple it is, doing just that: video tutorials on How To Play The Game.

This is the way forward, especially as Wizards of the Coast continues their transition out of Tabletop and leaves the hobby a ruined commercial niche.

We shall see, sooner than later, at least one diligent and competent actor put together a video playlist teaching a prospect on How To Play The Game that encompasses the full range of play that the game offers.

When that happens, and those videos start spreading around, all of the commentary (and ankle-biting) from the Soup Aisle will be magnified a thousand-fold= and so will the desire for people to play the Real Hobby that no one in the Cargo Cult of Conventional Play would ever allow.

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