Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Culture: The Two Best Things That Happens In The Hobby In 2024

The best thing to come out of the underground this year was BROZER, hands down.

(Print version found here.)

The second-best thing to come out of the underground this year was me reviving the Clubhouse.

While Jeffro is off doing some mad experimental exploration that will, no doubt, result in yet another round of rediscovery of how the Real Hobby works because he managed to put yet another missing piece of the machine back into place and restore function to it, the Bros generally need to not rest on their laurels either.

The Clubhouse is my contribution, and I am not shy in saying that this is The Road Not Traveled for the hobby- and it is the alternative to a commercial niche that is fast approaching its extinction due to the combination of the moves by The Big Player (Wizards of the Coast) removing itself as Atlas shrugging off the Earth and the Bros coming up from the underground to deny any quarter to a now-vulnerable Cargo Cult of Conventional Play.

The Clubhouse, in addition to being the center of hobby activity in a particular location, is the core component of a decentralized and distributed network of hobbyists that can (and, in time, will) become the strongest Network Effect in the hobby worldwide. One game, played properly (i.e. not the Conventional Play way, but the way Normies play tabletop games), whose play results are shared by hobbyists for hobbyists in hobbyist publications- publications like BROZER

I aim to save the hobby by throwing the industry into the abyss and putting the Clubhouse--and its non-commercial nature--in its place.

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