Friday, October 4, 2024

The Culture: SOBS' Big Move Is The Result Of Hobbyist Failure Of Leadership

The Shiba of Color gets me.

While this is not just related to Tabletop Adventure Games, I will confine my commentary to that medium and hobby here. (If you want the rest, Sunday at Empire Must Fall.)

I am out of patience with the PDF Merchants, Third Party Publishers, and especially all those MUH 40 YEARS! faggots who couldn't be bothered to fucking lead the hobby all this time.

You are no different than the Boomers who shit on their kids for not being able to do things despite not lifting a fucking finger to teach them a goddmaned thing necessary for that to happen at all. Hell, more than a few of you are those Boomers that didn't do shit and still refuse to teach anyone a damned thing but instead are more than willing to let it all end with you Because Reasons.


Shut the fuck up. There would be no oxygen in the room for SOBS' Big Move had you faggots gotten off your asses, kept up the Clubhouses, and passed on what you learned as you had it passed on to you.

You want to know why the #BROSR is the only vital force left in the hobby, while everyone else is just some shade of a Cargo Cultist? Because you faggots failed to execute your duty of leadership in the hobby when it came to your turn to do so.

The Cargo Cult would not be a problem had those Boomers that had the duty of leadership bothered to do their fucking job. The Memory Holing would not have happened had that very leadership been executed. We would not be rebuilding the real hobby from reconstituted ashes and the Dead Sea Scrolls had you bothered to do your job.

But no. "They'll figure it out" was the excuse. Despite so many Letters To The Editor that it became a punchline in Knights of the Dinner Table as well as What's New With Phil & Dixie, this excuse held and no one said jack shit otherwise.

Everything that we've seen out of Current Edition is the direct result of a massive failure of hobbyist leadership since 1980- if not earlier. The Cargo Cult of Conventional Play made possible the SJW Death Cult's ascent and seizure of power- this is YOUR FAULT!

Your shirking of your duty to keep what you inheireted led to the destruction soon to come, and if not for the Bros there would be no future for this hobby at all. You know it, which is why some of you quietly let the OSR happen, but they're still Cargo Cultists and so it's attempting to "fix" the problem by rewinding back to a state before the cancer went terminal but the cancer is still present.

This is failure upon failure, and the freakout reactions to the #BROSR (and its seizure of leadership) show that you know you fucked up.

Now we're here.

You have proven yourselves unfit for purpose. The hobby cannot endure with you. It is time to step aside before you get pushed.

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