Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Culture: There Is Only One Game.

With all the recent successes on people incorporating Braunstein into their games, it's time for a reminder.

Jon's being humorous here, but that's only to make the truth easier to swallow.

A lot of people push back against the Bros because they've been doing it wrong for decades or where taught wrong on purpose- often from playing later (very commercialized) editions of The Only Game That Matters.

They think they're playing with a bucket of LEGO, only to find that they're actually using a broken machine that they jury-rigged together with magical thinking, folks bullshit, Just So stories, and anything other than actually reading, studying, and mastering what is actually in the manuals- not playing the actual game.

So you get issues where people want you to validate their fake-and-gay bullshit. Instead, it's like this:

No, I won't validate your non-game.

People coming out of Conventional Play has a lot of unlearning to do, but once that is done the relearning goes fast because the benefits actually manifest if you follow instructions. You actually get what you're promised.

This will keep building momentum as more people report their sessions and thus add to the pile of receipts proving the Bros correct. Things are accelerating, and soon this will be said in earnest.

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