Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Culture: Arch Gets It- No Quarter For The Death Cult

Arch has come a long way.

But he still stops short of solving the problem permanently.

Yes, there must be a ruthless and merciless purge of the Death Cultists from all cultural fronts. That is not enough. They need to be blackballed, and all who adhere to their Satanic creed lumped in with them preemptively to prevent future entryism. Those that object will be told to pound sand.

Legal frameworks need to be erected, such as relocating the financial core outside the West so Mastercard (et. al.) can't goatfuck their ability to pay for things and putting the properties into Trusts run for the benefit of the legacy audience- and those trusts located in the most secure jurisdiction where Death Cultists are not welcome (or even knows to exist). Those places exist.

As for the damage done, folks all of that can be undone with a Thanos Snap. Repeat after me: "(X) is no longer Canon." That's the snap; with that you scrub out the poz, and once that is done you take it off the shelf and burn it to ash- and those ashes then blessed and buried. Don't even archive that heretical material. Heresy deserves to be lost.

They can't take over what is beyond their reach.

They can't choke off access to routes they don't control.

They can't poz what they cannot perceive.

And all this talk of "destruction" will turn out to be as ephemeral as their own delusions.

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