The Tutoral Boss of Internet Shitlords makes a solid point about the Death Cultists crashing Magic-Users By The Water.
We are at the stage of SJW Convergence where pre-Convergence history is denigrated and defamed, with the subsequent claim that Convergence is a Clean Break from the past--a Year Zero reset--and as such Cultists are free to change All The Things about what is Converged so that it now exists solely to promote the Cult's dogma as a propaganda arm- it exists to spread the poz and nothing else. Total Mythology Conquest.
Not that Normies, Casuals, and Hobbyists don't get a vote. They do, and they vote against Convergence; Revealed Preferences are Revealed, in this case by cratering business operations across the board.
You might think that this business failure would be a boat anchor for the C-Suite, but those of you familiar with how C-Suite executives think know better: it's done the opposite- it accelerated it.
All that videogame talk? The business failure of the Tabletop end of things becomes justification for the C-Suite plan to abandon Tabletop for Vidya. The business failures, thus, also justify the firings and layoffs of Tabletop personnel as well as cancellation of future products and all the other stuff that is ruinous to Conventional Play on the Tabletop.
You'd think that the Death Cultists would object to C-Suite's plans. They'll make noises, but they don't take any effective action. Why? Because, as Pundit points out (one of many, many others who have done so) the destruction of the Enemy IS THE POINT. They count it as a win if the thing they destroy what they seize from their Enemies.
Mystery Grove Publishing nailed it a while back.
And that is exactly what Pundit is talking about.
Unfortunately for Current Edition and Conventional Play, the Cult and C-Suite will get what they want.
Fortunately for the hobby, it never needed Conventional Play. The Death Cult did not get the win that they thought they did, and soon the Cargo Cult will find out that they too did not get the win that they intended.
The Bros at the Clubhouse will.
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