Friday, January 12, 2024

The Culture: When Cargo & Death Cultists Tell On Themselves

Bros again making it clear why things Cargo Cultists and Tourists don't like are fundamental to the game.

There is the game: the Point of Decision, where a player must weight probabilities of outcomes in a Risk vs. Reward matrix, given the circumstances at hand and the constraints he works within- and sometimes the best option your man has is still a bad or bitter one, and you just have to deal with it.

That's what the objecting anklebiters recoil from because, like spoiled children, they refuse to accept that they can't just get what they want.

And I mince no words about how terrible Conventional Play is, and why it is the cancer killing itself.

Let me put this in big, bold letters for the Cultists and Tourists--Death Cultists--out there.


This is why Conventional Play has no future in tabletop. This is why videogames do Conventional Play better. The videogames ARE A GAME. Tabletop is emotional abuse.

The big deal behind the #BROSR is not only that it doesn't need to be this way, but it was never intended to be like that. Instead, fucking Boomers once again failed their children by not passing on the cultural patrimoney passed down to them; they didn't pass on all of things that made--and make--the game and hobby what it promises and so those voids got filled by combinations of grifters, retards, and blind-leading-the-blind Cargo Cults until it metatisized into the present cancer.

And here we are.

That's why Conventional Play has no future. You did this to yourselves, and now your way of (non-)life is about to die once Magic-Users pulls the rug out for good.

Little by little you'll see forums close, groups disband, products die off, and people go away to where the action in (vidya) in Conventional Play- or repent, admit that #JeffroIsRight, and join the Bros at the clubhouse for the real adventure gaming you were always promised but never got.

Or leave the weirdos behind and go play videogames instead. At least you get real gameplay and no Neckbeardia video subjects.

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