Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Culture: Conventional Play Is A Failure State

I've mentioned Neckbeardia several time by now. There's a reason that I do so: you don't want to be in their videos.

Conventional Play Leads You Here

This is Conventional Play in action: dysfunctional, disregulation, degenerate, dysludic, and above all dull as fuck. No wonder that the average "campaign" is a whopping six sessions.

This is what the Conventional Play apologists in the Cargo Cult, and the Tourists that support them, have to willfully ignore.

This is what the #BROSR explodes by posting the recepits demonstrating how the hobby is meant to work, and if you think what Neckbeardia curates from the /tg/ board on 4Chan is extreme then your experience of the spiteful mutants in the hobby is (thankfully) low.

No, Anon, what you see here is barely exaggerated.

And yes, it is shit like this which drives Normies from the tabletop over to vidya where their Steam/GOG/PS+/Xbox Game Pass/Nintendo Direct accounts can give them all of the Conventional Play experiences they could ask for (a) at a fraction of the price, (b) without the dysfunctional faggotry.

Oh ho, the Gamma speaks: "But how-"

Bright, front and center please.

Proper campaign play is pro-social, functional, euregulatory, regenerate, ludic, exciting, and lindy. (How else do you explain the popularity of this edition after nearly 50 years>)

The key, as I see it, is in the breaking of Conventional Play norms that restore the wargame elements. Player-vs-Player conflict and Strict Timekeeping (as part of an overall Strict Accountability regime) do so much more to force players to screen out spiteful mutants, degenerate faggots, and other unrepentant failures. It's why so many anklebiters look like they're Chaos Cultists.

Real RPG play requires a full and feature-complete game. You can count the number of products that meet this requirement ON ONE HAND! Discard the rest; they are wastes of time and money. One proper ruleset is all you need for life; supplements are, at best, a pleasant luxury- not an excuse to cripple your product so they have to buy them in the hope of a complete product.

Conventional Play, therefore, is a Failure State- and all of the freakouts about Magic-Users taking the one product all of them rely upon out of tabletop proves it.

The Bros don't care. We will thrive because we've got the only game worth playing.

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