Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Culture: Games For Clubhouses

Since Christmas is about to hit, and folks are doing that last-minute thing, some suggestions:

I'm keeping the list short to avoid Analysis Paralysis. Feel free to add others in the Comments below, along with purchase links. As almost all of this stuff has been around for decades, you'll be able to find them used; Half-Price, Abebooks, Alibris, Books-a-Million, Noble Knight, etc. are all worth hitting up in addition to the used section of any local stores. (That's where you'll find, for example, Renegade Legion.)

But here's how I'm judging them:

  • No modules needed.
  • Can be administered in the proper manner as explained by the #BROSR.
  • Can be run exactly as-written without issues arising from unanswered logical questions that the rules or the source materials ought to cover. (e.g. if Bob is laid up, how long would it take for my man to get to him to finish the job; how long does it take to go from putting in an order for a new-built ship to taking delivery of it)
  • Has either very obvious content creation procedures or very easy--and handy--tools to do so (as this replaces modules).
  • Thrives under a clubhouse campaign environment, where you have player-run tables overseen by a campaign Referee.

There's other products available out there, and sifting through the used market, that fits these criteria; there are also plenty of products that get filtered out. Some may surprise you.

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