Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Culture: The Value Of Solo Play

The other night Jon Mollison did another solo session live.

And Jeffro's solo session of RIFTS (mixing Invid-era Robotech) continues. It didn't go as planned. Jeffro also ran first-hand into my consistent criticism of Palladium's lack of attention to detail in its game design. This omission of critical rules and procedures to address what happened had him looting Gamma World to find a suitable jury-rig to hold him over.

In both respects, what we see here is the value of solo gaming in a two-fold manner. The first is the primary reason: to go hands-on with a product to see how it works when it is used as the manual says it is to be used to see what the experience of play is. The second is derived from doing so in a public manner, which is to show others what you found.

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