Friday, September 22, 2023

The Culture: Solo Play Proving Its Worth Yet Again

Last night, Jon Mollison did another solo session.

The value of playing solo shows itself here.

You are compelled to play the game exactly as it's written because otherwise you don't have a game- you have a Wish Fulfillment machine, a Mary Sue generator.

You will screw up. That's fine. This is the dojo; you screw up in the dojo so you don't screw up when it counts. You screw up, you review your performance, you find what you did wrong and how, you fix that, and improve your skill at the game.

Jon's doing this an hour at a time, here and there; this is by no means an all-consuming pursuit. You can do this after dinner in the evenings while you wait for the game to come on, or your show to come up, or the laundry cycle to finish, or whatever.

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