Sunday, September 3, 2023

My Life As A Gamer: Hobby Products To Investigate

What hobby products deserve deeper inquiry? Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition, the various Basic versions, Original version, Gamma World, Boot Hill, Classic Traveller, and BattleTech have all been mentioned before.

Here's a partial list:

  • Top Secret
  • Gangbusters
  • Twilight 2000
  • Metamorphosis Alpha
  • Star Frontiers
  • Bushido
  • Space Opera
  • Aftermath!
  • Flashing Blades
  • Privateers & Gentlemen
  • MERC
  • Daredevils
  • Wild West RPG
  • Dark Conspiracy
  • Harnmaster

Finding out which games are as good as AD&D1e at fulfilling the fantastic adventure wargame promise and which do not--sifting wheat from chaff--is a thing to be done from time to time as curiosity strikes.

Some already have shown their worth (Classic Traveller, 1st Edition Gamma World), some already obviously possess that quality (Call of Cthulhu, TORG, BattleTech), and others surprise inquirers with the results (1st Edition Boot Hill). It is worthwhile, therefore, to sift through others to see which are and which are not proper hobby games- and to reassign those that do not measure up to Somewhere Else.

To what end? This one.

The hobby needs to sift and filter out the chaff, both people and product, and refocus only on quality people and product- both of them signified by serious investment of time and effort to acquire and demonstate mastery. There's a lot of product out there; don't waste your time or money on what is unfit for purpose or surplus to requirements.

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