The pattern of behavior exhibited by Toursts and Cargo Cultists demonstrates why they do not belong in the hobby.
They do not believe that entertainment demands effort.
They see all forms of games as entertainment. Entertainment does not demand effort. Therefore they see no reason to put in any effort whatsoever, down to learning the rules or adhering to them. The final step in this train of thought is their objection to failure as a result of either their own (in)actions or blind luck. They see the hobby entirely in narrative terms, and they are the Protagonist.
It's narcissism manifest, and it has no place in a hobby built upon a wargame where you can get murked at any time if you fuck up, you get outplayed, or RNGesus curses you.
It's the difference between this:

Yes, the current poster child for Mary Sue.
And this:
More charitably, it's the difference between Gamma Male/Basic Bitch fantasy (and Kulty Kathy's male minions are so Gamma it hurts) and Delta Male fantasy (as Vox Day's definitions make clear). (And yes, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is very much a Delta Male's work, as his depiction of the Protagonist (Reinhard) and the Deuteragonist (Yang) show a (Japanese) Delta's view of the Alpha (Reinhard) and the Sigma (Yang) in action.)
The Tourist expects to win without effort Just Because, with the sentance finishing as "'s entertainment, and it's not fun if I don't win."
They don't see the game as being a place--a safe place, if you will--to practice the habits that create and refine good character and thus lead to success in everyday life. They see it as nothing more than a diversion from the tedium of their life, a life that they (ought to have) already won because of their inherent quality and nothing more- literal "show up, get trophy" thinking.
The game has shiny dials to turn, flashy buttons to press, and so long as their self-image of inherent worth and therefore inherent entitlement to the spoils of victory is upheld they are fine. The instant this is not done, and they are instead made to see that they have to work for it like everyone else, they get indignant and demand changes be made to let them win and they will act like spoiled brats to whine and shame until the tantrums get the desired results or they get kicked to the curb.
Neither the game nor the hobbyists should give in to this, nor should they ever have done so. Fortunately the remedy is as simple as it is obvious- hold fast, and let those that won't shape up ship out. Compromising on this is how we got into this mess; ceasing to do so is how we get out. This is a hobby built around the Delta Male's need for mastery; we neither want nor need the Gamma's "Just Because" nonsense.
And if you want another enduring Delta Male fantasy, then Tex and company have you covered.
And now you have your answer for why certain Games and Brands dominate the hobby despite their age: they are (with few exceptions) Delta Male fantasties made into fantastic adventure wargames, where if you can master your profession and associate acumen you too can make things better for you and everyone you care about. The shit products and practices? Gamma. Vox had this nailed years ago.
Let the Tourist fail. If he won't Git Gud, he can GTFO- it's a filter as certain as AC6's tutorial boss, and just as effective.
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