Friday, June 16, 2023

The Culture: Death Cults Hate It When You Create The Future That Undermines Their Power

This is how you know the #BROSR is winning the arguement.

What Jeffro refers to are games being run for an all-ages group of players, wherein the way to play the game proper are being taunt to new people--to a new generation--and they are taking to it like fish to water.

This has the RPG Pundit and other OSR anklebiters flipping their shit like a bunch of New York socialites going on about how verklempt they are because someone outside their prescribed social order Did A Thing and they Just Can't Even.

What strikes me as odd is the tone. These anklebiters somehow think taking the time to teach children and youths what you--an adult--knows about How To Do A Thing is low-class or unclean behavior.

They're acting like Baby Boomers, the generation that received the greatest bequeathment from their elders and then refused to pass on a god-damned thing, including knowledge.

This would be boggling if it were not for (wholly outside of gaming) developments like James Lindsey doing the Limited Hangout Game on the psychologies underlying this bizzare behavior, which is picked up by independent historians to explain the apparent illogical behavior of past regimes.

What're you're seeing here is the grunt-level of a Death Cult in action.

"Only WE have the Knowledge of how to play!" they say, unlike Jeffro who is (a) pointing to the manuals that everyone can read for themselves, (b) showing people how to replicate the claimed results for themselves, and (c) showing receipts proving that he has done what he claimed AND that he has helped others replicate the results.

Others are now spreading that Good Word, repeating what Jeffro has done for the benefit of yet more people- including the children and young adults that this Gnostic-seeming Death Cult (some of whom are Boomers) are all losing their minds about.

Turns out that when you show the people that the would-be Cult Priesthood is unfit for purpose and surplus to requirements--that they are neither needed nor desirable--you get freakout reactions of increasingly hysterical, unhinged, and haglike proportions.

I suggest that you block these deranged people, move on, and pray for God to deliver them from the demons that oppress their minds and souls. Then go on and continue Winning At RPGs.


  1. Not that he can't defend himself but Pundit tweeted in support of crossface's efforts.

    Pundit just hammer's Jeffro everytime Jeffro quotes one of Pundit's tweets with the screencap of when Jeffro put the words The, Jews, and Cabal, In the same sentence together on the internet.

    Which, even if you have no problem with what he said, was an objectively stupid thing to do.

    If outreach is the goal why would you hand your detractors an evergreen hammer?
    Now there are entire swaths of people that when they learn of this statement will dismiss the BROSR out of hand and never listen to them.
    That is not a good outreach strategy if proliferation of your ideas is the goal. Jeffro shot himself in the foot.

    Not that the ideas generated by the BROSR will not eventually reach a wider audience.
    But they will be communicated and popularized through someone that learns and applies them, but is somewhat distanced from the BROSR.

    1. Unless you can prove this entire swaths argument, I will chalk this up to you being an ankle biting gatekeeper attempting to Astroturf people's perceptions.

      To the contrary of what you are IMPLYING, I think Jeffro is doing a bangup job appealing to the younger generations and the masses by ignoring or urinating on Boomer Taboos in an entertaining way.

  2. Wes350 comes off as a similar sort of swamp creature as Heretic Bruce Charlatan. Just ignore the guy whenever he whines worse than some women.


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