It's time for everyone's favorite midget race to get some attention.
The Halflings are not looking for a solution to a problem in the same way that the Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes are.
The Halflings' myths and legends tell them that they had cordial relations with the other demi-humans, and with most of the Men, but ruled no lands of their own; theirs were the lands between and the lands unassuming, places as easy to overlook as they are.
What drives them is the question of why the gods speak to them least of all the friendly folk, and then only through the precious few of them chosen by (Half-)Elves and Men to initiate into Druidism. Why do their myths only talk of the gods of others, and none of their own? Do they have no gods? Are they dead, or are their gods as unassuming as they are and thus need to be found?
Thus they, in the course of being swept up in the events that drove their demi-human and Mannish allies here to the Isle to seek the Tower, they decided that this was the time to seek out their own gods and put an end to this question of cosmic abandonment.
Their objective is to seek out the place one would expect of the greatest of halfling heroes: a hidden, unassuming place filled with sacred wonder- the first homely home.
This is a different take on the megadungeon concept. This is still a big enclosed space, but most of it is on the horizontal than vertical as it is a wilderness region somewhere inland on the Isle. No one knows where it is, only that it exists. Much of what resides therein is not kind and gentle, so it will be perfect fodder for ambitious adventurers that seek gold and glory.
The Halfling that made it to the Tower is the one that confirmed its existence. Finding him is going to be the Halfling leader's primary objective unless and until something comes up to change that. Finding him--or it--will make any Halfling adventurer into a legendary hero overnight- and that may have long-lasting repurcussions in game terms. (New or expanded class options, raised/removed level limits, etc.)
As for what else could be found: lots of things related to stealth, hearth, and home. Halflings are "the unassuming folk" for a reason, and that's going to play into their myths and thus the sorts of treasures in those tales. This does not include treasures derived from Halfling heroes that were sidekicks to the heroes of the greater demi-humans and to Men, which are considerable in their own right.
But, most valuable are the answers sought; if the legends are true, and the gods are there, what boons would they--could they--grant?
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