Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Business: When Self-Important Seattle C-Suiters Send The Good Squad

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled #BROSR posting to bring you this jaw-dropping story of corporate fuckery.

The reason I am posting about this is because the Pinkertons are involved.

As the video explains, because most people don't know that the Pinkertons are still around, Magic-Users By The Water (MBTW) hired the Goon Squad to do Goon things to a card channel guy because someone other than him screwed up.

MBTW just managed to dampen down their last massive Public Relations screwup (the OGL incident) and are still trying to downplay both the recent movie failure as well as the recent Virtual Tabletop Top/Totally-Not-A-New-Edition-Guys double-dose of dumb.

If this was just ordinary corporate drama I would not waste a post on it. This is not ordinary drama. This is a major corporation hiring violent men to do racketeering on an innocent man.

Some folks, like some of the pro-Current Edition channels, are sufficiently shook up to abandon their support of Current Edition. That's all fine and dandy, even if I don't care much for what they're substituting in its place. That's not the point. The point is that they are realizing that MBTW hates them, and now they are wondering if they should give the corporation that just send the Good Squad to an innocent man's house their money.

You long-time readers know what the correct answer is. For everyone else, click on the link below, skip your next lifestyle brand buy and get this instead. You need it.

MBTW is not a company worthy of your support. Neither is their parent company. Close your wallet, turn the channel, and give both money and attention to alternatives that respect you and your custom.

Barring any dramatic developments, that should be all I need to say about this topic. I'll be back on my usual beat tomorrow.

UPDATE: It gets worse.

Should have figured that this was the case. Hire a Zynga executive to turn Current Edition into a Pay To Win microtransaction terminally online hellscape? Why not. Hire a Pinkerton executive to run security? Sure. What could go wrong?

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