(Following last week's post, which is here.)
There will be two sets of Long-Term Patrons at launch.
This post will focus on the set wherein Player-Characters (PC) come from. Each of these Patrons use the material found in the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and the Monster Manual (MM) for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition.
Each of these Patrons represent one race, who come from Elsewhere to the campaign setting. They did not come alone; they came in force, and they came in potent force.
Each Patron has a Leader. This Leader is a character that is ordinarily a Non-Player Character (NPC) as they have levels in a class that is forbidden to PCs. This leader leads a cohort. That cohort is represented by their entry in the MM; the Patron leads the maximum possible number in their entry, with NPC subordinates also at maximum variation, as they are considered to be "in lair" so non-combatants and young are included at their maximum number.
This is all that Patron gets to work with. PCs are drawn from that population and are to be tracked accordingly. Any additions to this population or to its resources must come about through the Patron player's efforts. This sets hard limits on how far PCs may advance in that area, and what Classes may train there at all.
The aim of each such Patron is to build up their Domain, explore the map, and expand inwards towards the Tower at the center because that is where their Win Condition is achievable.

The following races are represented as Patrons with Domains.
- Dwarves: Lead by a maximum-level Cleric. (L8)
- Elves: Lead by a maximum-level Cleric. (L7)
- Gnomes: Lead by a maximum-level Cleric. (L7)
- Halflings: Lead by a maximum-level Druid. (L6)
- Men: To Be Determined. May be more than one.
As noted previously, no one may run more than one such Patron at a time. No one running a PC may also run a Patron in the same area.
PCs that arise from these Domains that become eligible for the benefits of being a landholder (e.g. a Fighter at 9th level) and become Patrons are, by default, considered subordinate to their Domain Patron. Intentions to the contrary must be established through play.
Encounters with the aforementioned races during play will be with other sub-races or suitable substites. (Yes, you can expect to run into "Men" like this, this, or this.)
The next post will cover the other set of Long-Term Patrons.
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