Monday, December 26, 2022

My Life As A Gamer: If It's Not Fun, Why Bother?

Happy Boxing Day!

Jon Mollison had a Boxing Day stream today. You ought to have been there.

A big takeaway here is that there needs to be more active promotion of alternatives to Big Game.

In Jon's wargaming sphere, that's GrimDankMace and SpaceMace followed by BattleTech for low-tech and high-tech fantasy wargaming. For historicals, if you know of games other than Advanced Squad Leader or Commands & Colours then you're better informed than most not into historical wargaming. Playing Kriegspiel might as well qualify as Living History Reenactment these days.

Tabletop RPGs? We know the score. Much the same problem, talked about many times over the years here.

The common man does not work for his entertainment. That means he will not go out of this way for it, which also means that he won't put in work for it either. The mountain must go to Mohammed if it wants him to climb it, and it must fill his field of view.

That, folks, is the chokepoint: attention.

You need to put the option before the audience and show them that it does what they want out of their entertainment. This is Sales. This is Marketing. This is something gamers in particular are notorious for doing wrong.

This means being bold, brash, loud, and entertaining- all of which the #BROSR has shown to work as the onslaught of credit thieves trying to steal what Jeffro Johnson did proves by their deeds.

We are fun. Too many of you are not. You're doing Fear Grimaces when you think you're smiling, you're boring as fuck, you're bullshitting, and the audience knows it which is why they're turning our way. That's before accounting for you playing RPGs wrong, designing them wrong, publishing them wrong, and definitely marketing them wrong.

And no, you're too too wrapped up in your ego to change before it's too late.

Big Game is increasly Not Fun. We have found the Perpetual Fun Machine schematics and brought them back from the Memory Hole, and now like Prometheus we're sharing the secrets to #winningatrpgs. Now we come to replace Big Game with Perpetual Fun Machines that don't need people to give money to people that hate them, hate fun, and hate winning.

Save or Die, losers.

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