Sunday, September 25, 2022

My Life As A Gamer: The #BROSR Found How To Defeat All Other RPG Media In The Marketplace

Allow me to shift the perspective.

The #BROSR's rediscovery and successful Proof-of-Concept that the Braunstein way is how tabletop RPGs are meant to be played, and cannot reach their promised potential otherwise, is going to find its way to another audience of players that are no less appreciative of competition and ambition than tabletop wargamers: hardcore MMORPG players.

Go now to YouTube. Take a few hours to binge-watch everything to do with Ashes of Creation. You'll soon see that what is promised is so close to Braunstein that you could pitch to that entire market segment and find people answreing your calls.


Because these people want so badly to #winatrpgs and be #EliteLevel gamers that they cannot refuse if it is explained to them.

There is another segment that would also answer favorably to this call: Real Time Strategy/4X gamers.

The combination of opt-in Player-vs-Player gameplay, Domain-level play, Patron-level character, micro and macro-level gameplay, extensive economic and political play, Fog of War being a thing (i.e. imperfect information, making Information Warfare viable), Always On play--critical for the Always Online players--coupled with strict timekeeping and letting players not only having a binder full of characters but each one of them able to collect and command entire bands of Henchmen and entire armies of subordinates, promises them a play experience that no MMO, no RTS, no 4x, no MOBA, no one videogame of any sort can satisfy.

And all of it runs on the same ruleset from table to table, from one Referee to the next, with events at one table having consequences--much of which unforseen or occuring at second or third orders from impact--upon all the others.

Tell me that you couldn't use this to recruit some of the most ruthless, competitive, and ambitious gamers in the world to your tabletop campaign if you ran it properly in the manner of a perpetual Braunstein.

The team at Ashes of Creation wish they could hit this, but even their most committed staff knows that can't be done.

Now that login screen for New World doesn't seem so fantastic now, does it? Showing off at Limsa Lominsa ain't so hot, is it? Flexing that oh-so-elite mount in Orgrimmar isn't such a flex anymore, isn't it? Not when you can look at your email, or check your Discord DMs, and see that your Magic-User just finished his ritual working to bring down the fire upon his hated enemies and incinerated the entire kingdom to ash- permanently changing every campaign map in the game and with it how things play out from that point forward.

Real, permanent, impact. That's what's missing from videogame RPGs and their offshoots- and yet those gamers crave it all the same. Promise them this and they will besiege your tables demanding to take a seat and prove their worth.

So sell it to them.

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