Friday, July 8, 2022

Narrative Warfare: The Way To Gatekeep Death Cultists From Your Hobbies

Taken from a Discord conversation:

I am not the only one to notice that Normies disdain the idea that any form of recreation should require dedication and effort.

A few days ago, I said that the solution to the Death Cultist problem is to make the environment actively hostile to them. What is a common element in Cultist behavior? Utter contempt for putting forth effort in recreation.

What does the SJW Death Cult do when they converge a hobby scene? Take all the effort out of it.

They want to show up, reap the maximum amount of rewards--prestige, acclaim, satisfaction, etc.--merely by being present and doing the bare minimum of participation required, and they want to flex upon--to humiliate, degrade, and defile--their enemies, who usually are those that do insist upon the hobby being one of active effort and dedication to succeed.

That this dovetails Normie psychology shows how SJW Death Cultists always use Normies as stalking horses to conduct entryism into recreational hobby scenes of all sorts, and this also means that Normies and SJWs are both poseurs that have psychological profiles which can and should be exploited to shut them out and filter those that slip through out.

It's also why "I just want to grill!" is not something to embrace, but to take as a warning of danger being near; Grill Tribe does not fight, but instead lets itself be bullied by the Death Cult into serving its will, as wherever it flees to becomes the next target.

This means that Gatekeeping your hobbies is the cultural version of Sinking The Ships in geopolitics; you can't just let anyone in, or you get what was yours stolen from you and destroyed by subversion fueled by demographics.

So what do you do? Enforce the expectation that hobbyists must Git Gud. Be ruthless and relentless in this demand, and run off everyone that doesn't measure up- this scene is not for everyone, nor should it be, and it is best to have a smaller number of quality hobbyists than a massive pool of pozzed parasitic passive pansies.

This means playing games and running campaigns that demand a lot of dedication and effort from the individual player--less Babby's First Wargame and more Advanced Squad Leader--and that means gaming, like literature, must Regress Harder.

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