Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Business: No Whale-Hunting In China For Stupid Irvine Game Company

While you may be tempted to laugh, there's a very serious element behind this story.

What Asmongold missed (because he's not up on China issues) is that this ban has nothing to do with the game or Irvine and everything to do with internal CCP infighting.

Xi Jinping has been in a bitter faction fight with his predecessor Jiang Zemin since Xi took power. The Jiang Gang's base of power is in Shanghai, as it was fueled by all the foreign capital coming into the country since Deng Zhouping's regime- which Jiang accelerated when he was in control.

Xi sees this as a threat to his power. This is why he went after the Chinese tech and entertainment sectors, as they are anchored in Shanghai and thus tied to the Jiang Gang. All of the anti-tech, anti-gaming, etc. regulations we've seen out of Beijing in recent years is all about this factional infighting for power within the CCP.

In the last few months, Jiang-aligned outlets in the media have floated rumors and other trial ballons gainsaying Beijing's official narratives. Not long after, Shanghai got a very convenient Wu Flu outbreak that resulted in severe government punishment of the population that is ongoing (despite official narratives to the contrary).

Now we have an apparant rogue employee tanking the game's launch? Sure, could be a moron at the wheel, but that moron got his job somehow and in a place where connections matter more than merit it's entirely possible for someone loyal to the current regime--not hard; Chinese companies, by law, have CCP offices in-house--to put a moron in charge of the Weibo account (or just grant access to it) and wait for them to screw up.

Now Irvine's locked out of the very market they simped so hard for over the last decade, and I am certain that C Suite will hear about it from Bobby sooner than later. He wants another yacht, and he just got screwed out of it because of some nitwit in China.

As for what I think about it all, I made my take on this predatory trashfire clear before this post. Keep stepping on those rakes, Irvine. That damage adds up.

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