Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Narrative Warfare: How Bad Actors Exploit Doing A Technology

When someone Does A Technology, they are doing the following:

  • Acquire something that already exists, even if only in concept.
  • Make changes to the thing that do not fix provable malfunctions in the thing's operation (i.e. "fixing what is not broken").
  • The changes make the thing worse than it was before due to increased fragility in operations or unexpected and unwanted externalities manifesting (e.g. adding smartphone apps to boardgames "because everyone has a phone" and not because it's actually necessary to make the game work, adding reliance on wifi and network infrastructure to something that didn't before).
  • Are otherwise merely overly enthusiastic about making alterations for its own sake, and not as cover for any malicious intent.

The typical C-Suite executive or government bureaucrat "making a mark" when he takes over ongoing operations is exactly this sort of thing most of the time, but note that caveat. These clueless fools give cover to actual predators swimming incognito among them, and it is exactly this process that has been exploited over the last 20+ years--and openly so for the last decade--to turn a medium and business of everyday entertainment into a propaganda mill for fanatical Death Cultists.

When Death Cultists converge a property, they set about changing it to become a vector for them to spread the poz. To those not paying attention, this can look a lot like Doing A Technology because it often incorporates the same stupid ideas with the same flimsy justifications. The difference is motivation.

The fools Doing A Technology are often well-intentioned. They honestly think they're making the thing better, but they don't do so with any knowledge of what they're doing so they screw it up and make things worse. Other times they're enthralled by the false god that is Muh Progress, so they make changes purely for the sake of change and called it "progress", but since they too routinely don't know what they're doing they also screw it up and make things worse.

It is this false "Progress" psuedo-religion that Death Cultists use to slip their poison into the mix, combined with gaslighting via social media manipulation and false concensus manufacturing, to convince the fools to go along with the deleterious changes to the property. Womanly shaming tactics are part-and-parcel of this psychological and narrative assault, coupled with manufactured legal incidents when that doesn't work.

The Cultist uses the same excuses that we see with fools Doing A Technology, but they cannot avoid their tells; Muh Diversity, Muh Representation, Muh Inclusion and more such buzzwords are Cult Code for the poz propaganda. This is their motivation for making the changes. They want to humiliate their enemies--who are the audiences for the things they converged--and force them to accept their version as the real thing, including (routinely) planning to remove all memory of the previous versions.

Recall Paul Feig's recent social media tantrum over the boxed set regarding that humorous series of anti-ghost movies? That's the demand for validation in action. They don't do it out of weakness; as the ones in control, they're doing to flex--to show off--their position of power over the audience. "There are five lights, Jean-Luc" they say, and they aim to punish you if you do not agree.

And as time goes on, and both memory of as well as physical copies of the previous versions fade away, that scheme comes closer to achieving its goal; the parasite subsumes the host and bursts forth from its hollow-out shell to repeat the process.

As for the fools used to seize and cement control? Useful idiots; they're first against the wall after the revolution is done.

This, folks, is why Doing A Technology is far more worrisome and dangerous than it seems at first glance- and why it cannot be tolerated. We need, immediately, to stop being enthralled with the shiny and new while simultaneously rexamining the old to ensure that it remains fit for purpose; the result is a body of tradition that can reliably prove itself to each generation in turn merely by working as intended- all that we need to do is preserve the lore that gives context to those traditions, lest future enemies creep back in and resume the poisonous lies that made those traditions necessary.

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