This looks promising.

The man that illustrates my own books, ArtAnon, is part of another indie media project and this one is a comic anthology. If you click on the image, it will take you to the sales page on Lulu which says this:
Science Fiction and Fantasy! What could possible be a better combination? Here are NINE STORIES of spacefaring, futuristic cosmic magical mystery featuring action, adventure, and awesomeness. Featuring ArtAnon Studios, Dale A, Jim Stanislawski, Daniel McGuiness, Robin Taylor, Evan Hill, Jake Tvister, and Peter Seckler
This is more people doing what they can to make comics fun again, bringing back what comics in the US used to be before the Death Cult converged the Big Two into a glorified propaganda mill and sinecure dispensury. You're getting more than two or three stories here, so the price of $6.74 is plenty reasonable and you're getting something that wants you coming back for more so they're aiming to give you the fun you want- not a lecture of how bad you are.
Give it a shot.
Bradford, thanks from the entire 9Volt Team for your signal boost! The motto of the group is "Make Comics, Not Excuses!" We're here to provide the best entertainment we can for comics readers.