Sunday, April 11, 2021

Narrative Warfare: How To Exploit YouTube Via Infinite Likes

Boosting the signal for those looking to make YouTube work for them and not Globohomo.

Quoting the video's creator:

Youtube is the greatest video sharing platform on the web and every now and again everyone finds a new way to exploit the website to glitch and bug the algorithm to become the largest channels on the website. In the 2010s we saw gaming channels accidentally use an algorithm glitch to become the only things youtube recommended. In early 2021 we saw the community tab exploit where users could spam youtube seo into polls and see insane interactions resulting in millions of views! Now however youtube has a new secret exploit! There are many ways of explaining how to grow on youtube or how to get more views or how to get subscribers. Today however we will be using an algorithm glitch to gain more Likes than we should ever get as well as thousands of subscribers and preferential promotion in the algorithm. Have you ever wandered how the youtube algorithm works well guess what the new youtube algorithm 2021 edition is completely broken and full of bugs, glitches and exploits! If you ever wanted to know how to grow on youtube then you probably thought the answer was to make more videos but no! instead the spiffing brit will explain the youtube website can be broken to add more likes to a video than is actually possible! Are you tired of only being able to like a video once? Well what if you could like a video thousands of times!

So today I show you how to Break the youtube algorithm by beating it by spamming the like button and dislike button with an auto clicker!!

He has more videos like this on his channel. Check them out. If you're trying to use YouTube to get seen, and you didn't take the ticket, you need to exploit the machine good and hard to get the desired effect. Have no shame in doing so; YouTube has none in screwing you, so turnabout is fair play.

This is the sort of thing that tends to have a short shelf life once it gets exposed, so exploit while you can- especially if you're super-duper disfavored by the algorithim because you're a dissident of some sort.

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