Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Business: SCP Is Proof That Making New Stuff Works

The SCP scene began producing more than wiki articles for some time now. First it was an array of YouTube channels taking those wiki articles and making videos about them, and now we have a lot of games and fan films. This one came out a month ago, and it's one of the biggest to date.

The SCP scene is proof that making new stuff to replace what the Death Cult destroyed is viable. This is where all the Weird Fiction energy went, where you'll find people working out their kinks as writers, because there is no one canon of continuity to adhere to and so you can remix as you like while you contribute to the wiki.

The secondary output--the videos--are by folks working out their kinks as they master the skills needed to make good videos. (Some are further along than others.) We'll see this with the fan films also, but this film is by the same guy that did "Dollhouse" and that was a good film.

As author Brian Niemeier stated, much of this is supported by way of crowdfunded patronage. You'll see Patreon links shared often when the channels post videos with the more serious channels and artists, and they're going to be worth the support.

So don't despair over the persistance of the Pop Cult. New stuff is being made, and not just by us, that's gaining traction organically.


  1. The SCP games are on Steam. Some are free. Some are not. A few have DLC. Quality varies.
  2. The best channels on YouTube are The Exploring Series, SCP Illustrated, SCP Explained - Story & Animation, and The Volgun.
  3. The wiki is here.

We're seeing participants push slowing towards putting SCP product out where normies can find it. Being on Steam counts. Being on Amazon counts. It's not just merch, as easy as that is now to do; we're going to see more books and comics appear also, and there's already some up for sale.

Yes, there's been some legal issues, and there's bound to be more down the road, but for now we have a scene where people unwilling to leap with both feet into the creative crucible can wade in and learn to swim- and some of it is very good indeed.

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