Wednesday, December 23, 2020

My Life As A Gamer: Turning Your RPG Into A Little Red Book

The Pundit's talking about RPGs, Furries, and Commies.

He takes his time getting to the point, but the point is that the endstate of the poz is that RPGs--D&D in particular--is to be nothing more than reification of Commie dogma, and the rules will be enforced by nascent Karens who might as well be Commissars. The endstate is not a game. It's a Struggle Session disguised as entertainment, and deviation from the dogma gets you the Full Commissar treatment.

The inversion of reality that the poz promotes will be normalized in the game if the Death Cult keeps getting its way. Each table will be a freak show of players playing a freak show of characters pantomiming a freak show parody of a proper game. This looks trivial, but what goes on in tabletop RPGs is part of the larger entertainment complex and the reach of D&D in particular is far disproportionate to its actual size. What is normalized in D&D becomes normalized elsewhere within a few years.

Remember that people who wrote for or worked on this one game have gone on to bigger things and network across media boundaries, and others who got started in tabletop RPGs are now shaping the global corporate landscape (e.g. Jeff Gomez, started at Palladium and went on to found Starlight Runner). The game itself prompted reactions that in turn created massive franchises (Warhammer, Warcraft, Record of Lodoss War, Dragon Quest, Ultima, and more). This medium matters.

The change of the game to stop being a game, where you have to take risks with limited resources in pursuit of goals you choose and accept responsibility for when you fail, and instead become a Mary Sue simulator for spoiled brat narcissits. This is not just a difference of taste; this is the enforcement of a hostile alien and Satanic culture by way of the backdoor, and it must be stopped.

1 comment:

  1. Rampant egalitarianism (and political correctness) exists, and is pernicious, but has nothing to do with Communism, any more than many far-right attitudes are necessarily Fascist. Communism (Comintern style) is a long-spent force - even in China.

    "All about me" is a recognized form of RPGs, which I find tedious, but if the participants like it, so be it.

    So many fools think anything they don't like is racism. Even as they themselves appear to be racist.

    However, I fail to see ANY connection to Satanic culture.


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