Sunday, September 13, 2020

My Life As A Gamer: (Shadowlands) I've Seen This Before

Shadowlands, the next expansion for World of Warcraft, goes live on October 26th.

That means the pre-patch and its event--Yet Another Fucking Scourge Invasion--hits later this month. I estimate it will hit in a week or so.

This is not enough time. They are repeating what we've seen now since Lich King: rushed releases, broken classes and specs, launch content that won't hold its value without a gimmick (i.e. Welcome to a new season of Mythic Plus, still trying to be an esport.) and so on. In short, if you aren't raiding the current raid at Heroic or better than you're going to get the shaft. We're going to get another scuffed expansion like this one, and it's going to take most of a year before it'll stop being bad.

I could be wrong, but I've done this dance. Still not planning on renewing my time when it comes up; Blizzard's going to have to hand-deliver a miracle and put it in my hand to keep me around.

Especially since I could just put that time into something just as flashy and more satisfying.

So, still singing this tune, and my Give-a-Fuck Meter is on fumes.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm at "Give me a reason to stay, dammit." and they aren't.

      So I'm lining up other things to do with that time.

    2. Bleh. I dumped Blizzard years ago and everything since has only reaffirmed that decision


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