More mask slipping. This time it's teachers and what schooling is actually about.
Since the original tweets are now hidden, here are the tweets he’s referencing. Scary stuff if teachers are worrying other adults might hear what they are “teaching.”
— Wayne (@wyv_123) August 9, 2020
Which reminds me that you should know John Taylor Gatto. He was on this beat for decades before he died.
This is why the Death Cult doesn't care about their anti-natalism. They know they have the means to steal your kids and poz them into their replacements instead of yours. Don't believe me? Go look at the useful idiots rioting under the Antifa flag. Their narratives routinely include Cultist stories of being "saved" from "racist bigot" families and using their lives to decolonize/queer the "whiteness" they came from.
It's also one of the big reasons driving their impetus to conquer and destroy. They fully expect to seize the people they conquer and coerce them into compliance, psychologically breaking them and them remaking them into zealots for the Death Cult. (This is what university, in particular, is meant to do now. It's why those fresh-faced graduating seniors from high school turn into self-hating undergraduates in record time of arriving at university.)
And that rapid radicalization ain't coming out of nowhere. They want your kids NOW, as early as pre-school, and because you buy into the status aspiration that dual-income li ving is meant to (but doesn't) provide, you let them. Tell the wife to stay home and do her job. Learn to live like your (great-)grandparents, let her school the kids until they're old enough for a proper apprenticeship, then learn on the job from there.
Once you've made that step, you'll be ready for further moves away from what the Death Cult wants and back to what Civilization requires.
Campaign Update: Final stretch, folks. About 65 hours to go before closing. Get that Stretch Goal. Build-a-Mech slots remain, Character Illustration slots, remain, Build-a-Starship, Be/Die in a Book, and Back Cover too. Hit up the page here and get in while you can.
So basically Hitler's statement about you being dead 'cause we got your kiss +the Turkish devrashim trying Chrisitam boys to janissaries and girls to harem sluts