Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Narrative Warfare: The Tech That Kills Election Theft

You will NOT hear this addressed in most media outlets, mainstream OR alternative.

If you want to know what this is, it's a patent for a blockchain-based Voter ID system. It's been in Provisional status until recently, and granted Full status now.

Read the thread. Big deal going down and the God-Emperor once more proves that he's well ahead of the game. This is the tech that defeat permanently Dem election theft, and if Trump is involved--and he is--then you can guess that this will be ready to roll out soon if not immediately upon announcement (i.e. for this election cycle) and Trump can order its immediate deployment by Executive Order.

Yes, he can do that. The Dems will claim otherwise, but it's a plenary power of the Executive so they get to pound sand. If he does go via EO, he will time it such that they won't be able to stop him.

Which is why, by the way, the current media flack over the Post Office is just a misdirection. This is the real shit going down.

And once it's in place here in the United States, guess what Trump will be willing to share world-wide? You're looking at it. No more election theft ANYWHERE that this system is implemented. Watch the Eurofags squeal like stuck pigs as the realization dawns on them, as they're first on the block to get chopped. (Martin, Mark: tell your allies to rally around this.)

And if you want a good reason to explain why this tech is necessary, and got developed in secret, Millie Weaver's documentary explains what the enemy's been up to and how it all works. She got targeted for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. And this isn't just Federal elections, either. This is state and local elections, too. Now we will find out just how blue the voters in the blue cities and counties really are - and have been.


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