Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Narrative Warfare: "Centralized Quarantine", Sure Jan

If you want to see what's being seriously discussed in the mainstream media regarding dissenters and Corona-chan, here you go.

The author is a lefty journalist expat living in Hong Kong, so he's got direct contact with what both the local Hong Kong government and the ChiComs in Beijing are doing to the population there, and as a review of his feed shows he's taken quite well to Chicom Totalitarianism. Being a good little Baizao, he's all set to use plausible deniability as a cover to push a narrative of all-seeing social controls coupled to economic controls (financial and physical) as being necessary and proper for all governments to corral and control all populations everywhere at all times.

No, that's not much of an exaggeration.

Yes, he's claiming it's a temporary measure and that you'd be confined to a hotel room--paid, well enough--for your quarantine stay, but we can see from the stick he's getting that everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows what this really would be used for: pretext to, and means for, disappearing dissidents. As there are plenty of Karens out there ready to be Stasi Suzy, we have a ready-to-go ratline network to ID them so this is no hypothetical threat.

We can see the scam for what it is. Using historical events, and previous quarantines, to sell--yes, sell--this poison pill to the gullible while signalling to fellow travelers to pick up this ball and run with it if it makes any gains is a basic tenant of Narrative Warfare. We'll see soon enough if this gets chosen to push when other word-whores put out their own (not-so-)plagiarized hot takes on the idea.

But make no mistake, the folks using Corona-chan's wild world tour as pretext to be yet worse tyrannical shits has them all taking off their masks and revealing that they are petty tyrannical shits fit only to be taken to Minecraft servers, given peaceful sunsets, and then--like the stick-bundles they are--show the warm embrace of the pyre.

1 comment:

  1. That guy is out to lunch. He's right up there with the former journalist who Tweeted that he missed the fear he'd cause when he called people up and told them who he worked for.

    Most journalists are power-hungry losers with murder fantasies and neither the skills nor the balls to do any jobs other than journalism. They need to be kept as far from any kind of real power as possible.


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