Wednesday, January 15, 2020

My Life As A Gamer: The Pundit Talks Gonzo & Gaming

The RPG Pundit talks Gonzo and Gaming.

I can't gainsay any of this. The Pundit knows his stuff, and gonzo in particular is definitely his expertise. From defining the term to practical implementation, he's talking that good stuff that we gamers crave: How To Make Use Of Things. The definition marks the boundaries, and the techniques describe useful practices within those boundaries. The examples illustrate the Do and Don't in question.

And, in gonzo style, a lot of this is the Pundit talking about his experiences playing in this style- either as the GM or as a player. This is a good use of anecdotes; actual play matters in gaming, and having trustworthy people using their actual play experiences to illustrate something more general is exactly that appeal to practical implementation that gamers as a class desire.

And players, I think, default to gonzo because they cannot approach the game and its virtual environments any other way. It's the Forever GMs who often want to get away from this, but are thwarted because Things Happen and Away We Go.

And writers, don't sleep on this; believe it or not, a lot of this is applicable to Weird Fiction.

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