Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My Life In Fandom: The Time For #BrandZero Has Come

The last few weeks have seen leaks of information about that Big Brand franchise with the laser swords and the moon-sized space stations that SJWs took over and promptly ran into the ground. Last night that franchise's final film in its first trilogy after the Devil Mouse acquired it premiered. It is exactly as you expected. When the man who created it wasn't even there, you know it's bad.

And the bloodsuckers in Corporate know it. Already the Crazy Cat Lady that drove this franchise into the ground has been sidelined and that streaming exclusive series meant to be both a sop and a cope is by the regime set to replace her openly in the near future. In short, Corporate saw that Cat Lady is responsible for damaging their investment and moved to repair it. That doesn't mean we'll get a full restoration. It just means that Corporate knows what the boundary conditions are now and will color within those lines.

There is hope. Some of the fan channels are finally getting it: stop giving money to people who hate you. The problem is that their perception of who hates them, and why, is limited to the Cat Lady and her SJW Death Cult bullshit. They don't see that Corporate itself is the problem. Smart Corporate stewardship can keep the known destructive elements of corporate ownership in check and produce great stuff. (e.g. Gundam, which has far more good than bad in its catalog, especially between 2011-2020.) The Devil Mouse ain't smart.

Yes, even though I like two of the men set to take over operations--and one of the being the creator's last protege, responsible for the pre-takeover animated entries being decent if not good--and the woman is not a cat lady, the reason for skepticism is not due to the Death Cult per se. It's due to the fact that this is a corporate investment by a global corporation, and not an act of authentic creation by the creator or under his supervision. There is good reason to believe the suck will continue, just shorn of SJW BS.

It's going to be a work, folks. I've been saying in for a while now, and so have my colleagues: Walk away from the Devil Mouse. Walk away from Paramount (or whatever it's called this week). The corporate regimes may stop actively trashing those Big Brands, but only insofar as it means repairing their investments and making them meet the heavy expectations for Return On Investment put to them. Let me repeat that: Only insofar as it means meeting Return On Investment expectations.

They don't care about you. Corporations are psychopaths, and IP are means to an end and nothing more- making you, the audience, nothing more than revenue streams to tap. Yes, it's nice to not have Clown World smeared into your face on a daily basis by SJWs, but you're still being farmed via your emotional bond to a brand like cult leaders exploit their cultists.

That's not respectful conduct, and to quote Doomcock: Without Respect, We Reject. Unless and until a non-creator owner demonstrates by deeds that respect, walk away.

And that's why the time for #BrandZero has come.

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