Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Horns Blow About Jericho

As I write this, I'm listening to the Supreme Dark Lord do his Darkstream for the night about Pedo Pusher Epstein, when I go check the blog to find this:

One party organised by Ghislaine for Epstein at his New York house in the early 2000s was reportedly attended by Donald Trump, Google founder Sergey Brin, disgraced British Cabinet minister Peter Mandelson and David Blaine who 'amused a group of barely clad models with card tricks'.

Epstein told a magazine that: 'The dialogues are so engaging that serving even the most extraordinary food sometimes seems inappropriate, like eating pizza at the ballet.'

That excerpt comes from this article at the Daily Mail, prompting the SDL to say this:

Like it or not, believe it or not, it's real. There are no coincidences. Also, it's readily apparent that President Trump was offered the world by this representative of the Devil in exchange for his soul, but he turned it down. Only someone who knew perfectly well what was going on behind the scenes would have the confidence, and the determination, to do what he is doing.

He's right. Sources wholly independent of those the SDL reads have confirmed Trump's rebuking of Epstein and the global pedo network he fronts for, and I concur that this--at the latest--was the encounter that pushed the God-Emperor to embrace his Ascension, with the backing of U.S. military intelligence, in order to take down this network and destroy its power. Israel, Russia, Iran. Syria- all Sun Tzu-level deceptions, including some of the Q drops, meant to shape the field such that the network couldn't help but to open itself to exposure- and thus destruction.

This? This is the best news I've heard all year, so far, and I can't wait to see either Epstein sing like a canary to save himself or get suicided and thus confirm the rumors of his import to the network. He won't walk with a slap on the wrist and a sweetheart deal this time. The Storm has come.


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