Monday, October 19, 2015

Narrative Warfare: Where to Start Self-Educating?

Reading my blog posts alone isn't sufficient to get up to speed on Narrative Warfare. You're going to have to do some work, most of which consists of study and application, and that means looking for a good place to start. Well, you start with the Trivium Method at Trivium Education, but after that? Background information, of course, and reading the basics behind the system.

This is not an exhaustive list.

What is below is a selection of books on my shelf that informed my development of this idea I call "Narrative Warfare". Call it a partial bibliography if you like.
  • Alinsky, Saul.Rules For Radicals.
    Note: This is the book the lays out the foundation of the current system of Narrative Warfare.
  • Bernays, Edward. Propaganda.
    Note: Lays out the hows and whys that would lead to systematic narrative implementation.
  • Chomsky, Noam and Edward S. Herman. Manufacturing Consent.
    Note: Shows how central the Mainstream Media is to the system.
  • Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
    Note: Shows how the system operates as a public-private partnership to avoid accountability and enhance deniability, as well as shows to what ends the system is actually employed.
  • Quigley, Carrol. Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World In Our Time. Note: Shows that the parties for whom the system works are not new.
  • Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Note: It's Warfare. Duh. Also, Clausewitz and Machiavelli have works on the matter that should be read.
  • Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince. Note: The system is meant to work for a political potentate, albeit as a class instead of a specific individual, so reading this helps see the whys behind the hows.
I'll get into individual books and other sources in some detail down the road, according to your feedback.

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