Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My Life As A Gamer: No, Really, You Can Just Riff Off Things

"Okay Walker, if it's that easy to make shit up, show me."

You asked for it, Anon. My sample gods are one long shitpost riffing off the VTubers of Hololive.

Cute Goddesses Doing Cute Divine Things

That Assassin I rolled up the other day? He worships a goddess based off Hololive EN Gen 2's Nanashi Mumei ("The Guardian of Civilization"), and his specific sect is based off a running gag about her being a functional psychopath ("The Fear Owl").

Despite her nature-girl attire, I slot her as Lawful Neutral and use that Owl symbolism to graft on aspects of Greece's Athena to round her out as a goddess.

"The Fear Owl", therefore, is a Lawful Evil sect primarily aimed as "removing the enemies of Civilization" and caters to Assassins and Monks.

She also has a Lawful Good sect, catering to Paladins, revering her as The Great Matron or The Empress and plays up her very agreeable and pro-social elements to make her out to be a Princess/Queen Worth Saving.

Her (baseline) Lawful Neutral religion is about Order, Civilization, and bringing the chaos of the wilderness to heel so it may prosper under Man's guiding hand.

And I made all of that up as I wrote this post. Done.

But wait! There's more!

This is your Nature Goddess, based off of Ceres Fauna. She is True Neutral.

Matron of Nature, she comes into conflict with Mumei and she appears as a Dryad to her worshippers. Her priesthood are Druids, so she is the matron to that class as well as to Bards and (in part, Mumei being the the other half) to Rangers.

Despite her amiable nature, she is Nature in all its cruelty as well as its beauty- as those who've encountered her more monstrous minions found out the hard way.

Those who gain her favor are those who know how to gain the favor of the most elite of women, as her cult emphasizes Nature as a feminine force in the cosmos, and those who attract her ire do so as women scorn the weak and hapless of men.

Her sects include a Neutral Evil sect of Assassins (who focus on her being a scourge of the weak) and a Neutral Good sect of Rangers (who act more like wandering do-gooders, helping to keep the peace in rural lands and on the frontier).

Again, made up on the spot. Done.

I can do this sort of thing for every Hololive member, current and former--they even have (had) a Red Dragon--whenever the situation calls for it. (e.g. one of the new girls as a Dwarf or Gnome goddess)

I can do this with VTubers from other agencies, like Phase Connect (e.g. behold the Tyrant Queen of Pippakistan and her attempts to get yet more war material for her mutant armies), or even entirely independent talents.

And if you think non-Christian mythology can't get like this, my brother in Christ you have no idea what really goes on out there in mythology and religion.


It's no more silly than naming characters after professional wrestlers, naming cities after the fact of the inordinate amount of whores therein, or doing in-character wrestling-style promos talking mad shit against each other while having other characters be literal Muppets. Silly is fun, fun makes playing the game entertaining (think of it as social lubrication), and while the atmosphere is silly the play is serious- we want to win, dammit.

Oh, and don't be surprised if other VTubers and related memes show up when I'm asked to contribute. I am just dying to do some of them as soon as I get the chance.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, you can just take things you like and mash them together. Do your own spin, your own interpretation For me, I have created a bit of a "pantheon" of Celestials (below a creator God). Some of these are inspired by Touhou characters.
    TAKE THINGS YOU LIKE AND SMASH THEM TOGETHER. This is the core essence of my worldbuilding. There is nothing wrong with this, especially for TTRPGs, in fact it's good.


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