Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Culture: The OTHER Problem With Conventional Play (And Why There's No Future)

We break into our usual boosting of proper campaign play to address Catalyst Game Labs being a Converged Poz Dispenser.

There is a video about this. (h/t Mage Leader, who is an Okay Guy.)

The Executive Summary is that the Death Cultists already inside the company are further converging all possible information channels about what they publish. This includes the tabletop forms of BattleTech and Shadowrun as well as related tie-in media that they publish. This is a preliminary step before turning the poz outward on new product and public events.

This is despite known issues that Catalyst has in fulfilling its stated business objectives. Instead of taking all the dead weight (who happen to be the Pozzed) and tossing them in a shallow ditch, they're doing what SJWs always do when the lies are insufficient: Double-Down and Project.

A lot of people, including those at Catalyst, are about to be reminded as to why both of the aforementioned properties endured--thrived even--despite FASA and Wizkids being pants-on-head paste-eating retards that crashed the business with no survivors.

Already there's a big underground scene in making 3D Printer-ready miniature sculpts, making printer-ready counter sheets and stand-up sheets, maps, and ALL THE PDFS!- not to mention the very healthy, very large, and very active trade in used product out there. With MegaMek capable of inserting user-added units and printing out tabletop-ready record sheets, it is now very easy to enjoy BattleTech without giving these Death Cultists a penny. Shadowrun is about as easy to do.

And for everything else, here's all you need:

You get a Letter of Marque, and you get a Letter of Marque, and you- and you! Of course the friend of free men everywhere has one.

All this is to point out that Conventional Play, because it is a popular Consumerist Lifestyle Brand, is vulnerable to subversion by bad actors like the Death Cult.

This will remain a problem so long as this remains part-and-parcel of your hobby experience.

The Death Cultists at CGL want you to be an atomized, soulless bugman who's only source of identity is in the products you consume- and both BT and SR are, as long as CGL has control of the IP, going to be exactly that.

This is the other reason for why Conventional Play has no future. If the inherent shitty business model and social dynamics--already full of the sorts of freaks who eagerly glom on to the Death Cult for yet more unearned power, prestige, and potential for revenge against Normies and normalcy in all things--would kill it, accelerating that by having Cultists seize control and make suicidal runs at the culture like the fanatical cultists that they are will.

So go ahead, cut CGL out of your hobby by taking away their revenue at every opportunity. Use old books. Spread PDFs around like candy. Make hidden guerilla POD storefronts. Use 3D printers to make your minis, or go really old school and just use counters and stands. Shun the poz, shun the pozzed, and don't give money to people that hate you.

The Clubhouse ain't about that sad excuse for a hobby, or a culture, which is why it is hated- and feared.

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