Monday, October 7, 2024

Celebrating Nearly 30 Years Of Outrunning The Sandmen

Today is my birthday. I am now clearly middle-aged, as my grey hair makes plain. It's weird that I now qualify for Senior discounts or programs in certain places, and I am now about the same position regarding those now in high school as the Vietnam vets like my dad were to me.

Being that this is a Monday, the folks decided to celebrate a little early so we went out for pizza over the weekend. We went to a place called "Detello's", which turned out to be the original from which an identical place--and I do mean identical: menu, decor, layout, the specific model of jukebox and where it sits, etc.--my folks and I loved to visit called "Marcello's" (which closed in 2012).

Yes, everything was exactly as I remembered it. Fantastic stuff, and we came during a dead time between Lunch and Dinner so we enjoyed having the place mostly to ourselves. (Seriously, if you're in town and out that way, hit the place up.) It was worth going well out of my neighborhood for the occassion.

I am not inclined to spend space on the blog today on The Usual Topics. The trees are turning colors, and the Boy Scout in me would like to go see them before they fall off the trees, so I shall- and ignore all of the Muh Anniversary talk about what's going on in the Middle East that started a year ago today.

This is in Wiscosin, close to where some of the folks are.

Thanks to the folks, I have Volumne 8 of the light novel version of Legend of the Galactic Heroes coming my way in addition to a new hat.

So yeah, we're in Indian Summer territory, so I'll enjoy it as best I can today. I'll be back to my usual posting tomorrow.

(Oh, and if you didn't get the reference, here's a reminder. Remember that in the book the limit is 21, not 30.)

Want in on the fun? Let me point you to the online options: Steam, GOG, Amazon (Fiction, Anime, Concept Art, History, Middle-Earth, Gundam, OSTs), Metokur's Hat Shop). The sale on Super Robot Wars 30 ends at Noon Pacific, 1pm Eastern today.

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