Jon's on a role with these videos lately.
Yes, it really is this bad in American Big Two comics. No, the show itself is fine; that's some '80s fun. It's the creepers and freaks and losers with issues sufficient to be graphic novels themselves that are the problem and this wanker from CBR is just one example of many.
If it's not self-hating Fuck You Dad sorts (especially the half-breeds; no one self-hates like halfies) then it's the degenerate freaks like this guy. All of them conveniently use Muh Leftism to cover up that they are degenerate freaks ("Muh Oppressuns!"), and at least this useless walking target isn't actually making any comics- but many like him are, and all of them hate you. This is why Big Two comics are full of suck and blow, unworthy of your time or money, and you should have stopped buying anything years ago. Even reprints of the old stuff still ends up feeding their delusional, degenerate fantasies of conquest, defilement, and humiliation.
Stop bankrolling the bad guys. They hate you. You have better options.

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