Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My Life In Fandom: 2021-The Year The Giant Robots Came Back

Mecha ain't dead. Gigguk and the other Fake Weebs are going to be eating shit next year.

That's one year. Sure, three of them are Big Brand IPs, but the rest are not and show that genres in the medium are as cyclical as they are in live-action media. In short, we're coming out of a fallow period and that's great. While we in the West aren't able yet to join the party, outside of a resurgent BattleTech alongside writing original books and a few comics, seeing a resurgence out of Japan will bring attention to the category generally and thus more people within reach of our respective hawking of our wares.

Get ready, folks. Next year is the year to hit and hit hard.


  1. Bradford

    What accounts for this bizarre declaration? I'm no mech connaisseur but I never noted mecha as dead maybe in quiesence like all fads/trends.

    Any insights?


    1. It started with the anime section of YouTube and related places like Reddit saying "Mecha Is Dead" because (a) they don't see it on the schedules (because they haven't paid attention) and (b) rarely watch anything older than 2000.

      They're adults watching shows meant for boys (shonen) or girls (shojo) that are entering or just entered adolescence, not seeing Giant Robot WonderTime (outside of a Gundam series), and making wholly erroneous conclusions off faulty logic.

      And they're normie-tier in their thinking. If their consumption of anime was akin to reading a daily newspaper, they would ignore everything that wasn't on the top half of the front page.

      They are willfully ignorant and pass themselves off as knowledgeable experts, and it pisses me off.

    2. Bradford

      Very insightful



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