Thursday, October 29, 2020

My Life In Fandom: They Aren't Sending Their Best

Taken from Twitter. This is why memes are increasingly important: it puts in the hands of individuals what formerly was exclusive to professional propagandists.

You can apply this to every other "mecha is dead" fuckwit out there--looking at you, Trash Taste trio and the shit/fake weebs you represent--and discard their opinions with prejudice accordingly.

The reason is obvious. The pattern of behavior mocked here is so prevalent that it's become fodder for weaponized comedy. This is "Can't be bothered to read a fucking Wiki article" levels of shit opinion, and for that reason it is invalid to consider it, and not the least because that behavior is a big flag to watch for other tells of Fake Geek entryism.

And for some damned reason, mecha anime/manga gets shit on hard--not just Gundam and Macross--by the entryists despite its enduring appeal to a broad audience. EVA is acceptable solely because it's a deconstruction that's Above The Fold and smears your face in it; that hit the acceptability threshold for entryist SJWs. The rest are not; insert excuse here, from notability (they haven't heard of it, so it doesn't matter) to Ism Of The Week ("facist" is very common).

They're all done in bad faith. Bad faith is subversion. Subversion is predation. Predators get thrown out and the gates shut upon them, and that's mercy.

They aren't sending their best.

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