Monday, September 28, 2020

Narrative Warfare: The Somali Block Vote Is A Fraudulent Machine Vote

I told you that the Somalis in Minnesota vote as a block. What I did not know is that they did so due to political machine thuggery right out of the old days.

What James O'Keefe and his people exposed is an old-school political organization shifting across the legal line into organized crime, and therefore I would not be surprised to find that many of those involved in this illegal ballot harvesting scheme are tied into other criminal activities. These are Federal crimes we're talking about; fellow traveler Keith Ellison--MN Attorney General--can't do jack to cover for her.

The only problem I see is that Omar's family--her entire clan--is CIA-connected. Therefore they have good reason to believe that they are protected so long as they deliver on what their spook allies ask of them, and that is why they have such terrible Operational Security that a local law enforcement agency can record them doing their crimes. This is no idle delusion; the State of Minnesota, Hennepin County, the City of Minneapolis- all controlled by the MN Democrats and the Dems here are Globohomo Death Cultists. Omar's allies hold the positions necessary to successfully cover up these activities.

This means it has to be handled by the Federal Government. Fortunately the God-Emperor has a US Attorney appointed by AG Barr in the Twin Cities, so if O'Keefe is serious he can go to her office and present their findings directly to her so she can get a warrant and act on this right now. No need for bothering Barr; go to the subordinate actually capable of ordering effective action immediately and be done with it.

And right on cue, giving soft validation that O'Keefe is on target, here's the distraction:

Once you know the media playbook, you can use it reliably to see what the enemy perceives as a threat and what they do not. They perceive the Omar revelation as a threat, so this is what they're going to push to bury it. This in addition to the social media giants' throttle and shadow-ban of videos posted, etc. to curb viral reach of the info to others.

And I would hope that O'Keefe and his friends are keeping track of the viral spread of their exposure of Omar's ballot harvesting scheme on behalf of the MN Democrats. When they meet with the US Attorney--and James, you had better make that appointment--I would hope that they bring the data of the Big Social suppression of their information to said official to add to the body of evidence that this is not just some garden variety election fraud problem.

Because if this goes throughout the MN Dem Party, then all of them--including the current governor, Tim Walz--stand a chance of going to Federal prison on some charge or another, and that's going to be disastrous. We'll see for certain when we see what the City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, and the State of Minnesota does in reaction to this going wide.

P.S.: Anonymous Conservative, you are right about the machine bringing its foreign assets home to deal with domestic threats to its rule. We've got strong evidence here.


  1. Bradford

    Since this is your home state, Do you think Omar is somehow involved with the Epstein island? As you pointed out, if she and her guys are engaging in Tammany Hill electoral fraud; what other crimes are they taking part in?

    My perspective is she's a bagman and conduit for all the bail money flowing to get the blm/antifa thugs out of jail. I won't be surprised if they engage in gunrunning and secretly arming the thugs


    1. I think she is, albeit at some remove; I think the network she's a part of engages in all sorts of trafficking and that would include human trafficking. She's CIA-connected, and the spooks engage in trafficking, so she's likely to benefit from that somehow.

    2. Bradford

      Thanks. Will the deep state throw her to the sharks? She's becoming a liability and the network must be preserved atcall costs.


    3. The MN Secretary of State is already running cover for her. There is an injunction against the enforcement of the state statute by which her local network would be rolled up and prosecuted for this fraud. He doesn't want to enforce the statute, and he doesn't want to properly defend it in court; the plan is to get it into court and then sandbag its defense prompting a judge to gut the statute and order its repeal.

      The US Attorney has to step in, use Federal statutes, arrest them all and proseucte then for fraud and conspiracy to do so.

    4. Bradford

      Thanks for the analysis.



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