The God-Emperor of Mankind has begun the Counter-Reformation of America to destroy the Death Cult.
The executive order also opens the legal floodgates: the President instructs the Attorney General to assess whether critical race theory trainings create a "hostile work environment" and constitute a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 22, 2020
Trump signed an Executive Order setting all of this off yesterday. This? This is a Big Deal.
"Critical Race Theory" is the ideology of the present Death Cult afflicting the United States in particular and the West generally. It has gotten into every corporation and government agency, down to elementary schools, and by signing this order and giving Attorney General Barr the go-ahead to wage lawfare Trump has begun the purge of this vile heresy from American life.
Read through that thread on Twitter. There are provisions, tied to Federal money, to compel state and local governments as well as private actors to purge Wokeness from their organizations if they want that sweet Federal financing for their groups. As the alternatives to Federal financing don't have (officially) the bottomless well of the Federal Reserve to call upon, this should go a long way to putting a stop to the heresy going on.
It won't stop it entirely. What it will do is flush the heretics out into the open where normies can see them, and that's where we come in.
When the heretics, freaking out, act up those need to go viral across all platforms. The Alt-Tech platforms are already friendly, so that's not an issue. It's the Three That Matter--Twitter, Facebook, YouTube--that will be a bother. Fortunately, they will make it easy for us to make them improperly famous; they will issue hashtags, so usurp them and use them to expose them. Sure, right out of the old Gamergate playbook, but it still works so why not use it?
We can't expect the God-Emperor to do all the work for us. We have our part, and it's not just in the voting booth. The ride never ends, folks, and remember:

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