Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Narrative Warfare: It Really Is A Magician's Trick

This is what you are witnessing play out in real time on the world stage.

What does a magician do? They perform illusions by seizing your attention, directing it where they want it to go, while they perform the sleight-of-hand required to execute the illusion. They make you focus on the form and not the function. Thus seemingly miraculous feats are performed before your unbelieving eyes. This same mindset is behind all confidence artists and other fraudsters; magicians just use it for the honest end of entertainment rather than theft.

What is going on right now is one of the largest illusions ever pulled.

No, the pandemic is real and it is as bad as is feared. The illusion here is the appearance of passivity by Trump. What you're not paying attention to is the following:

  • Trump has the emergency power to direct all spending as he sees fit. This is how he got the Wall going; he will do it again as he sees fit regardless of what Congress says.
  • Trump is using A/B testing constantly, leaning hard on the actual Federal structure to legitimize this, and thus using Push/Pull salesmanship to get governors and mayors to do the actual heavy lifting of addressing the pandemic in their territories. This simultaneously exposes the crooks beyond the Fake News' ability to contain, and gets the good ones the attention they deserve.
  • The stimulus package also puts the Federal Reserve under the Treasury, making Trump succeed where Ron Paul failed: he's ending the Fed. Not in style, but in substance; it is no longer an independent central bank, but instead under the control of the Federal Government. Long-time observers, both Deep State and enemies thereof, acknowledge this. What they have not said is that this will result in a global financial restructuring because the Fed is a lynchpin in the system; through its seizure, Trump can and will seize the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of International Settlements, and so on. The system of usury is about to end.
  • The Deep State actors will not be perpwalked until it's too late for anyone to do anything about it. Instead, Trump will focus upon turning Deep State actors; this maintains the illusion of normalcy, while accomplishing the substance of drainage.

In short, folks dissatisfied about Trump are not looking at the effects. They are focus on the seeming and not the substance. We have a man in the White House who doesn't care about how it looks. He only cares about what it does; he'll make it pretty after the fact. Metokur, Red Ice, and so on are all failing to observe the effects; it doesn't matter how the target goes down, so long as he does, and what I see emerging is a preference for hollowing out from within than boring out from without.

Which means he's hollowing out the Deep State and wearing it as a skinsuit- he's using their playbook against them AND WINNING. That's brilliance in action, and it has to be the most supreme humiliation to be subjected to a superior execution of your own methodology, down to the humiliation of having to pretend that he didn't do it to you. No wonder they're increasingly insane to the point of bad optics.

Remember this going forward: pay no attention to the trappings, and focus instead on the effects. It doesn't matter what you call it if the effect is what you want.

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