Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Narrative Warfare: The Death Cult Doesn't Relent, So Neither Can You

Cernovich made an error the other night. He called for a Culture War cease fire until Corona-chan's dealt with.

The sentiment is not without merit. Mike's a good guy. Mike's coming at this sincerely. The error is that he expect the enemy to relent. They will not. They are the Death Cult, and Corona-chan is a blessing to them despite all the damage being done to Globohomo. The SJWs are not ceasing to cancel and thought-police wherever they have clout, and they are ruthlessly enforcing their Narrative Warfare pushes despite Corona-chan threatening to crash it all. Why? Because the Death Cult operates on the Moral Level of warfare, and that level doesn't DO good-faith measures like this.

Instead, you get them following fellow travelers Rahm Emanueal and Saul Alinksy, for whom crisis is nothing more than the opportunity to ram through measures that otherwise would be difficult or impossible to pass. The mayor of college town (and thus Death Cult center) Champaign, IL has done just this, as Brian Niemeier notes on his blog today. The Cult doesn't regard Cernovich as human, let alone as someone they can respect, so the very idea of relenting in the face of Corona-chan causing chaos is unthinkable. Far more likely is that some galaxy brain is trying figure out how to execute a gay op on him, his wife, and their children using Corona-chan to pull it off.

There is no relaxing against someone who regards your existence an abhorrent offense worthy of summary execution, and that's the Death Cult. Daleks and Skynet are more merciful; if they could, they would cancel Mike from life right now with full approval of their conscience. David Stewart gets into this when interviewed by Thinking Critical recently.

Just listen to the narratives they spread about him. That's all you need to know about how bad an idea it is to relax. They don't relent. Neither can you.

1 comment:

  1. And if bidden to prove it, Marvel's SJWs show they are pulling an Alinksy: https://youtu.be/MVayxNvACUw


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