Dragon award winner and multiple-time nominee Brian Niemeier penned "A Gen Y Tale" and published it on his blog last year. Author David Stewart has turned that short story into what you see below.
This is a story about something Generation Y is very vulnerable to, which is The Nostalgia Trap.
What strikes you most whenever you get Ys to open up and discuss the past is how similar their experiences are--but only when woolgathering about beloved past diversions. For another "better seen, not heard" generation like the Jonesers and the Silents, Gen Y will blab your ear off about 80s and 90s brands.
The megacorps figured this out sometime around 2010. It's no coincidence that was about when Ys' finally found big boy jobs, and they had some extra scratch to spend. The paypigs who declare they're "over" Star Wars one minute only to turn around and reserve tickets to J.J. Abrams' latest fanfic are almost entirely Gen Y.
David and Brian talked about this at some length in this podcast.
A lot of the problems are generational in their root, in that a specific cohort's formative experiences leave marks that cannot be easily recognized and therefore overcome, and until that awareness is achieved and the knowledge internalized no amount of work can get you out of its grasp. You can cope, but like an alcoholic you can fall off the wagon and slip back into its thrall if your mechanism collapses.
This is a Narrative Warfare post. You should be expecting something by now.
I read Anonymous Conservative. He routinely connects the seeming absurdities of of world events together by simply stating what we're conditioned to abjure and disavow, and in this matter that statement is this: It's Not Accidental.
The argument, made implicitly, is that the same network we label as "Cabal" and "Deep State" has at its core a very intelligent and knowledgable cohort that understand Man far better than most and uses this understanding for its evil ends. Why? Because they believe that this life is all about them, and refuse to bend the knee to its Creator, so they are the lieutenants of The Enemy instead. The understanding is what AC calls "r/K Theory", and using that theory as a filter does explain what's going on world-wide- especially in light of the conflict against the God-Emperor and his allies.
Weaponized mass psychology, folks. Literal Infowar. Alex Jones, again, seems like a prophet.
And why do I assert the possibility that these generational cohort profiles are not accidental? Because of something AC said several times in passing: That Cabal operates so deep and thorough a manner that it will profile everyone--and has the means to do so--and assign assets to take out threats before they even know they are a threat, even if that threat is just one of being too good to deny a slot in a place Cabal wants to put their assets. If they can do it to individuals, they can scale it up- and they have via mass media. Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman, the founders of today's media establishment, made this explicit in their books on the matter a century ago; mass media is a propaganda tool and nothing more. (Noam Chomsky merely built on their confessions.)
Consider that (a) the Boomers were set up to be as they are and so (b) the succeeding cohorts are likewise deliberately damaged to break in desired manners. If you know someone's profile then it becomes very easy to manipulate them, and the easiest way to establish that profile is to write it from scratch. That's what knowing r/K does: it gives you the means to scale up individual manipulation to massive scope and scale.
This is why Narrative Warfare is a thing. They sold you a story about life, the universe, and everything at birth and you didn't know any better so you bought it- and your elders were no help as they were likewise duped. They built your entire frame of reference for you, hammered it into your skull like you're being turned into a Cyberman, and then expected you to do as programmed for the rest of your days. You were to play your part in a real-life Truman Show, and then take it without complaint when you couldn't be of any further use and you got taken out- literally or otherwise.
This is why #QAnon says "Enjoy The Show". LARP or no, Q gets that this is a battle fought in the minds and souls of men and focuses on morale and mystery; the former keeps you going when shit goes wrong, and the latter keeps you going when you're inclined to rest on your laurels. It's also why the revelations are being slow-dripped, starting with these confirmations of some of the woo-woo of previous years like the bloodline families, global pedo networks, and the ritual abuse. (e.g. Finders)
The trap is there. You can't defeat it until you know it's there. You can't defeat it until you know how it works so you can remove it. You can't stop future traps being put in your way until you know who's after you, why they're after you, and what they are after you for. It's the last three answers that are being slow-dripped, but some of us see where it's going to conclude already.
And we're soon going to see just how well Cabal's system actually operates. The stress being put upon it is real, but is it enough to break it?
No wonder it was hard to pull away from that trap. Sure, I loved Star Wars but it's a shell now. Reading more Blogs 2020.