Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Narrative Warfare: The #KickVic Crowd Dun Goofed

I don't post more than once a day on the main blog often, but this warrants a second post.

The drama surrounding North American actor Vic Mignogna turned to his favor in court recently when evidence came out confirming claims of Tortious Interference With Contract on the part of his fellow North American actors that work as he does doing voice acting work for anime dubs. This specifically came out surrounding KamehaCon and the anti-Vic clique harassing the owner of the convention, and all of this came out last night during Nick Rekieta's livestream. This one is only about 90 minutes, but it's got several epic rants on just how badly these SJWs have violated the law and didn't bother to cover their tracks.

"They never thought they would lose." didn't stop with Sick Hillary Clinton, folks. The SJWs behave like this as a matter of course, largely because people haven't bothered to take conflicts with them out of the social arena and into court until now, so despite some of them being served they still run their mouths and lie like nothing happened because--so far as they're concerned--nothing has. Until they are compelled to comply with legal procedure, be it depositions or testifying in court or whatever, they do not perceive consequences for their actions.

Yes, they are that oblivious. Stop treating them like they're good-faith actors; their deeds destroy that presumption. They're liars. They're doubling-down on the lies. They project so hard that NASA should draft them as launch vehicles. But that's not why I'm posting about this.

I'm posting to show you one surefire way to beat them: Take Them To Court. All of this turned around the instant Vic retained counsel and made it known that he did so; now that the full weight is dawning on them, they're panicking and that means the NPC programming kicks in even harder. This explains the doubling-down accelerating and the projection going weapons-grade. This explains the entirely predictable pattern of neutrals getting off the fence and siding with Vic in increasing numbers. This explains the vehemence of the SJW social media machine going HAM on pro-Vic cons, and riding herd on the rest hard. They're losing the narrative, and it's the legal action that's making it happen.

Facts don't care about feelings, and facts are what courts focus upon. You #KickVic villains better come to Jesus or you're going to lose, and lose big. You dun goofed.

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