
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Narrative Warfare: The #KickVic Saga To Date

Taken from the blog of the Supreme Dark Lord, He Who Devours SJWs, who in turn heard from Bounding Into Comics. Hang on, because this is a long post.

Dragon Ball Super: Broly voice actor Vic Mignogna has filed a lawsuit against Funimation, Jamie Marchi, Monica Rial, and Ronald Toye.

Mignogna is suing them for defamation, tortious interference with existing contracts, tortious interference with prospective business relations, civil conspiracy, and vicarious liability. The suit was filed in Tarrant County, Texas on April 18th.

Mignogna’s lawyer Ty Beard claims in the lawsuit that the defendants defamed Mignogna and “knew these statements were false or made them with negligent disregard for their truthfulness.” The suit claims that the defendants’ “conduct was willful, fraudulent, malicious, and in wanton disregard for Vic.”

He points to a number of statements made by Ronald Toye, Monica Rial, and Jamie Marchi on Twitter. Those statements include accusations that Vic Mignogna engaged in “harassment or threatening behavior.”

The suit claims that “Ronald (a Funimation agent or employee) has tweeted more than 80 times that Vic sexually assaulted or assaulted Monica, more than 10 times that Vic sexually assaulted or assaulted three of his “very close friends,” more than 10 times that Vic has been accused of hundreds and possibly thousands of assaults, and at least 17 times that Vic is a “predator.” It also points to a number of tweets made by Rial and Marchi.

The Tortious Interference with Existing Contracts part of the lawsuit claims the Defendants “willfully and intentionally interfered with these contracts prxomiately causing cancellation, termination, even breach, of these contracts by the convention producers thereby causing Vic actual and consequential damages.” The suit points to a number of conventions canceling Vic’s appearances including Anime NYC, Ancient City Con, and others.

The Tortious Intereference with Prospective Business Relations claims, “There was reasonable probability that Vic would have entered into agreements with other production companies and conventions; however, the Defendants’ unlawful actions prevented these relationships from occurring.”

The Civil Conspiracy claims “The Defendants conspired and acted in concert to defame Vic, interfere with his existing contracts, and interfere with his prospective business relations, and each knowingly assisted an participated in the other’s actions.”

The Vicarious Liability claim notes, “At all times relevant, Jamie, Monica, or Ronald was Funimation’s employee and acting in the course and scope of her or his employment in the conduct alleged above or, alternatively, Jamie, Monica or Ronald was Funimation’s agree with actual or apparent authority to act on behalf of Funimation…or Funimation ratified her or his actions.” It notes, “Funimation is liable for the conduct of Jamie, Monica or Ronald.”

I've been following this situation since Nick Rekieta came on the scene. Below is the summary of events leading up to this law suit's filing on Thursday this week.

Check the over 1100 pages of archived drama on the part of those bitches and cuckfaces in KiwiFarms.

It is worth every single page.


1. A bunch of unfounded allegations started by ANN and Marzgurl in particular began to filter through Twitter that Vic Micnogna was a sexual predator. No actual proof, just pages of allegations, mostly unsorted. For those going "Hey, this sort of reminds me of ChangeTheChannel!" congratulations, you have a functioning sense of pattern recognition. The pair begin the #KickVic hashtag to get Vic fired. The timing of this is right after an ANN staffer got outed as a sex offender.

2. ANN goes to all their buddies to spread it around. Derek Padula does a write-up that "explains everything," by spending over 80% of said write up not discussing any allegations against Vic, several paragraphs comparing him to Bill Cosby, discussing Todd Haberkorn (for some reason), and basically doing anything but make a compelling case. Gizmodo gets in on this and declares Vic guilty in everything but name. Worth noting: Several of the claims made against Vic are patently ridiculous, such as calling him a homophobe for refusing to sign an unofficial yaoi book.

3. Jamie Marchi and Monica Rials declare that the claims are absolutely factual, again with no evidence. When confronted they sperg the fuck out, arguing they're being harassed when people do such unthinkable things as telling them provide proof or GTFO. They double down immediately, declaring everyone who dares disagree with them is harassing them by definition. Marchi in particular declares that Vic deserves to be castrated and/or executed.

4. Funimation allegedly "investigates' and fires Vic, as does Roosterteeth. Surely by coincidence, a personal acquaintance of Rials takes his place in all his VA endeavors.

5. ANN and friends continue to accost Vic in an effort to shut down his potential job offers. As many as 15 cons purportedly cancel his appearances. Vic becomes persona non grata in voice acting circles. Vic responds with remarkable candor, thanking his fans for his support and encouraging them not to engage Rials or Marchi directly.

6. People smell bullshit and ANN's involvement gets exposed, as does the fact that almost everyone involved with declaring Vic guilty at Funimation are people who have provably done worse. Monica Rials is #MeToo'd, though she denies it. Amanda Winn-Lee, apparently still sore from Revolution 60, declares that she hopes a female critic gets raped. More and more Funimation associates declare that if you support Vic, you're a harasser that hates women. No one cares at this point. Multiple culture war coverers (such as Hambly) begin to bring up the ongoing scandal and cover it in ways Rials and Marchi don't like. Anti-CG spergs immediately rally to the Anti-Vic crowd, further cratering its already leaking credibility.

7. Pensacon threatens attendees that anyone who shows up wearing a "Stand with Vic" shirt will be arrested and criminally prosecuted, if not reported to the FBI, and the account operator gleefully spergs about how much they want to see Vic supporters suffer. Their Twitter is publicly mocked until they lock it temporarily.

8. Weeby Gal, one of Vic's accusers, the most credible one up to this point, has her video evidence proven to be faked, as it had massive redactions. The full video is released and mirrored. Weeby Gal deletes fucking everything.

9. Nick Rekieta gets involved. Does an overview of the situation. Advises Vic to lawyer up because proving malicious intent and tortious interference is going to be piss-easy with these assholes. Vic does so and allows Nick to give some announcements on his behalf. Pants are shat when Nick is gathering evidence to give to Vic's case. Blood is now in the water and the internet's sharks salivate.

10. Pensacon claims to have recieved a bomb threat from a Vic supporter. Local spergs investigate and find no such threat occurred. Unfortunately for Pensacon, they were planning to host that event at a government building, which means the joint anti-terrorism task force is now involved because of this idiot blowing smoke. DHS, FBI, and DIA get involved, and start getting some information from the Youtubers who initially covered the drama (Yellow Flash, Hambly, et al). This entire shit-show just came to the attention of the US Government, however briefly, proving that weebery is, as some have suggested, serious business.

11. Samantha Inoue-Harte claims to have been SWATTed by a Vic supporter. The images she posts are traced and it turns out they come from a previous SWAT Hoaxing she did in 2016. Two hoaxes for the price of one! It turns out Inoue-Harte is a former Funimation staffer and IRL friend of Monica Rials. ANN puts up an article declaring she dindu nuffin. Unfortunately all the police reports show is that her door was damaged, not that she was SWATed.

12. Sean Shemmel believes this, only to realize he was in the wrong, retract his statement, then lock his Twitter. To chase this, Schemmel is also said to have hoaxed a SWATing from a vic supporter. Again, local spergs conacted police, discovred this was false. That is three hoaxed crimes by Vic supporters in under 2 days.

13. Vic announces intent to sue. Bricks are shat. Targets include Marchi, Rials, Saucedo, Chapman, and dozens of others. Funimation is HQ'd in Texas, which has Vice President Laws. Funimation, ANN, Gizmodo, and Roosterteeth may be liable for the shit their various staffers have said. Vic's GoFundMe hits $20,000 in less than a day. Anti-Vic elements try to slander Nick Rekieta and get the GFM shut down, but fail.

14. Marchi and Rials go poor innocent me routine and try to act like all is good now and nothing is ruined. No one is buying it.

In addition, KamehaCon had Vic back last weekend to huge success--floor to himself, hours-long waits in line, etc.--and he killed with with his attentiveness to his fans. The man showed his appreciation for their support by giving it back in spades. Anime Matsuri will have him back, and all of the aforementioned parties are dogging that con. Todd Habercorn has had a similar point-and-swarm job done on him, and he's reached out to Vic's lawyers for help; the SJWs have already gone at Ty once, doing the same futile smear job via filing complaints, that they tried and failed with Nick. In short, we're not seeing brilliant masterminds at work; we're seeing insane incompetents wreaking havoc. It's Gamma Rage and Entitled Bitch Tantrum all the way down.

They all need to be grateful this is only a civil suit. If this had gone down in Minnesota, they'd all be facing criminal charges.

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