
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Narrative Warfare: Watch A SJW Swarm Attack In Real Time.

Witness the process happen in real-time.

"But Pundit's a shitlord!" some say, "He deserves it."

That's the trap.

What you're seeing here is a textbook Point-and-Shriek Swarm Attack, right out of SJWs Always Lie. Mercer isn't trying to persuade Pundit as to the merit of his position. Mercer's aim here is to silence Pundit by manufacturing the illusion of superiority from bullshit and gaslighting via the swarm attack. This is the same bullshit that Vic Mignogna's suffered, causing him significant--maybe irreparable--damage to his reputation and career, and if Mercer doesn't watch his ass it can--and should--end the same way: with total lawfare.

This is not about the contest of ideas. If it were, Mercer and Pundit would mutually engage in good faith. Pundit did engage in good faith. Mercer's bullshitting, and this call to swarm Pundit is the tell that all he wants is Pundit's tongue ripped out and handed to him on a silver platter. Fortunately, Pundit's a counter-puncher and anti-fragile, so he's got some resilience. Note also Pundit's smart take on handling the swarm; most of the accounts are impotent wankers, so he's not even deigning to acknowledge them, focusing only on those with clout like Mercer.

It should also be noted online legal issues usually default to the victim (criminal) or plaintiff's (civil) jurisdiction. Pundit's in Uruguay, and if he does go for lawfare I will encourage him to have Mercer's ass dragged south of the equator to answer for it or face summary judgement with all that involves, such as liens on Mercer's assets. (Yes, Pundit, you had damn well be talking to a lawyer about this; greater men have been ruined for less, and Mercer is in a position to damage your ability to do business.)

Keep an eye on this to see how the SJW Attack Program works. Once you see it, you won't unsee it.

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