
Friday, April 19, 2019

Narrative Warfare: Good News Friday

It's Good Friday. In preparation for the Good News on Sunday, here's some morale-boosting stories.

  • The Mueller Report. Razorfist has a great, short rant about it here. Enjoy and feel free to chair-dance doing "Fuck You, I was right!" The Narrative Warfare pivot is already happening; if you can stomach it, watch the Fake News for the tells of a shift and you can see it in real time.
  • Vic Mignogna files suit against Funimation and others for defamation. The suit got filed yesterday in Texas; Nick Rekieta had Vic's lawyer, Ty "Fear The" Beard, to talk about what could be discussed. You can see that four-hour plus stream here, for which Ty was front and center in the first half. If you want more of a summary, ClownfishTV has your back and did so here This is the opening salvo. Other parties are likely to get served down the road. Lawfare works, people. By the way, Vic's going to win; the SJWs have all but handed victory to him, and the consequences will go far beyond North America's terrible anime industry.
  • On a related note, some tabletop gaming company has also retained Ty Beard's firm due to SJW bullshit crossing the line. More on that when Nick spends four hours live going over documents or whatever he gets his hands on. It's happening! People are finally getting that SJWs are vulnerable to Lawfare, and soon they shall see how super-effective it really is.
  • The new singles JAM Project did for One-Punch Man Season 2, Super Robot Wars DD (the mobile game), and Super Robot Wars T (the console game on Switch and PS4) have dropped. Of course someone's done an Anime Music Video for the latter; embedded below. Not major news for most, but I figured you could use some unabashed, nakedly earnest high-energy music to put some spring in your step- something JAM Project is very good at doing.

As for myself, I'm in the home stretch now. I'm due to discharge on the 17th of next month, and I'll have more good news to share soon.

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